Archive | Presentations

Unspoken Stories

Part I Thank you for inviting me to speak to you this evening. I feel honored to be a part of this series. In the spirit of your previous presenters, I would like to begin by telling you some stories, stories about images. I will be talking about my work with the nonprofit organization, Collage, […]

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Modest Witness: A Collaboration with Donna Haraway, 2009

When I read Donna Haraway’s Manifesto for Cyborgs in 1989, I was intrigued and inspired. Here was a piece that resonated with my political, feminist and moral values. Haraway was getting up close, magnifying and focusing on science, technology and socialist-feminism while contesting the “old world order.” Her work brought to mind Robert Hooks’ first […]

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Between Cultural Eras: The Effects of Postmodern Thinking on the Modernist Concept of Regionalism

Prepared for the panel: The Regional Artist: The Virtues and Perils of Being a Regional Artist. Numerous observers agree that we are currently experiencing a major shift in many of our major cultural paradigms and practices, a shift equal and perhaps greater than that associated with the Renaissance. While there may be no return to […]

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